Super AI Assistant For Team

Supercharge Your Team With Customized AI Agent

Understand Your Team . Assist will never be better without understanding your team.
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Customized Agents . You can ask specific agent to assist you.
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Plan And Execution . Revia can plan and execute your query by writing and executing code, you don't need to understand the code.
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Platform For Flow Engineering


Revia is a super assistant that can answer questions based on data from your internal data, such as your notion, github, slack, google etc.

Customized Agent

Collaborate with your team to build a customized agent that captures your proprietary workflow, and plug into Revia

Advanced Code Sandbox

Revia can accomplish more complex tasks by writing and executing code, Revia can also do self correction if things go wrong

Access Control

Fine grained access control to your data, agent, and more, with audit log of every execution step