AI Assistant For Team

Supercharge Your Team's Productivity With Configurable AI Assistant

Instant Use

A super assistant that can answer questions based on data from your internal data, such as your notion, your internal database, github, google etc.

Plan and Execute

Plan and execute step by step for complex tasks

Structured Data RAG

Connect to your data lake and build structured data RAG on top of it

Enterprise Data Sync

Built in connectors to sync data from your internal data sources, such as notion, github, slack, google etc.

Model Agnostic

Works with any language model, including OpenAI, Google, and others open source models, including your private deployed models

Access Control Built-in

Fine grained access control to your data, agent, and more, with audit log of every execution step

Data Ownership

You completely own your data, including every conversation generated by your team members and agents

API Everywhere

Almost every feature in ReByte is exposed as an API, so you can build your own tools on top of it

Try ReByte For Free.